Channel: DisisReyRey
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: type 4jumbo box braidsjumbohead and shoulders4a hairat homedry scalphair4c haircurly hairroyal oilshead and shoulders royal oils collectionhead and shoulders royal oilsroyal oils collectionshort hairnaturaltype 4 natural hair4b hairbraidsbig chop 2018itchy scalpdandruff4abig chop twa4b4cdandruff treatment at homeroyal oils head and shouldersdisisreyreyhair journeynatural hairshort natural hairdandruff wash day
Description: Hey everyone! In today's video, I'm going to show you how to stop your scalp from being dry, itchy and flaky and show you my entire braiding process! I personally have dealt with dry and itchy scalp for the longest now and I'm so happy that Royal Oils by Head & Shoulders helps me get rid of build up and keeps my scalp clean and hydrated. Their full collection is NOW AVAILABLE AT CVS! Get yours now if you have scalp issues. #royaloilspartner Royal Oils by Head & Shoulders: - Water Activated Scalp Scrub: - Seal & Prep Moisture Milk: - Daily Moisture Scalp Cream: - Instant Soothe Scalp Elixir: ------------------------ ♡ I N S T A G R A M: @rey_mmdl ------------------------ This video is sponsored.